IPTC info

Tag Cloud

  • 2 photos are tagged with Bird
  • 1 photos are tagged with Dragonfly
  • 1 photos are tagged with Duck
  • 5 photos are tagged with Flower
  • 1 photos are tagged with Forest
  • 1 photos are tagged with Goldfinch
  • 1 photos are tagged with Jola
  • 1 photos are tagged with Leaf
  • 1 photos are tagged with Man
  • 1 photos are tagged with Museum
  • 1 photos are tagged with Plant
  • 1 photos are tagged with Rose
  • 1 photos are tagged with Skull
  • 1 photos are tagged with Squirrel
  • 1 photos are tagged with Tern
  • 1 photos are tagged with Tree
  • 1 photos are tagged with Tulip
  • 1 photos are tagged with Valley


  • Galway & Clare
  • DSC 3448-Edit
  • Old Man of the Forest
  • One For Me!
  • Squirrel
  • Goldfinch
  • Male Mallard
  • Pause
  • Cat


  • Users: 2
  • Photos: 32
  • Hits: 139157
  • One For Me!

          One For Me!                 More
    One For Me! "The squirrel hoards nuts and the bee gathers honey, without knowing what they do, and they are thus provided for without selfishness or disgrace."

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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